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Part 2: Barack Obama will attempt to command a red state to turn to blue

barack obama 

by Joseph Earnest June 21, 2013


Newscast Media WASHINGTONDuring the High Rennaisance after Pope Innocent X was elected to the papacy, he wished to build a monument that would exalt him throughout eternity.  The place he chose was Piazza Navona in front of his palace (Palazzo Pamphili) where the Fountain of Four Rivers was built by GianLorenzo Berinini. To finance the project, the pope placed a tax on bread, something that displeased Roman citizens.


When the magnificent fountain with several statues was unveiled, rather than praise its beauty, one angry local poet wrote to Pope Innocent X and said: "Command those stones to turn into bread!"


As for Barack Obama, he need not worry about performing such a miracle, should his fellow Democrats ask him to command a red state (Texas) to turn to blue. By 2016, the number of eligible Hispanic voters will have risen, and with his Battleground Texas organization in the Lone Star state, he is already quietly registering as many Hispanics as he can and since there is talk about a possibility of Hillary running in 2016, Obama's Battleground Texas is also gunning for the female vote.


Of course, the Republicans have an answer to those who might try to tap into the Hispanic voteGeorge P. Bush. He recently announced that he will be running for the position of Texas Land Commissioner in 2014, which will give him a chance to build a grassroots campaign of Hispanics, since he is one of the founding members of Hispanic Republicans of Texas and considers himself one. (pop-up)


He who owns the courts, own the state

Building a ground game is not going to be enough for Obama if he really wants to turn a red state into a blue one, because the Republicans own the courts. The judicial political machine plays a crucial role in local, state and national politics. Since national elections are a federal exercise, and since federal judges are appointed for life, it will be extremely tough for Obama to change that dynamic.  The state judges have to run for election and re-election, so it would not be hard to shift the fortunes from one party to another.  However, in instances where judicial official are unelected but appointed, including the appeals courts, the challenge will be greater.


George W. Bush understood this reality, and we now know, based on a former NSA whistleblower, that judges and attorneys were being wiretapped by the intelligence agencies as far back as 2004.


Russ Tice an NSA whistleblower says in an interview, "They went after lawyers and law firms. All kinds of–heaps of lawyers and law firms. They went after judges. One of the judges is now sitting on the Supreme Court that I had his wiretap information in my hand. Two are former FISA court judges. They went after State Department officials. They went after people in the executive service that were part of the White House–their own people."

Federal judges, attorneys, law firms being spied on accordung to NSA whisleblower  


The entire article can be found here on The Blaze. (pop-up)


Just three weeks ago Obama announced three nominees for the D.C Circuit Court of Appeals, which is the second highest court in the country.  This will help him bypass the stonewalling by his opponents when he tries to get legislation passed.


To succeed in shifting power of the courts, the Democrats would have to apply the same principle here in the largest counties in Texas which are:

Harris county (Houston - 4 million), Dallas county (Dallas - 2.3 mil), Tarrant county (Fort Worth - 1.4 million) and Travis county (Austin - 812,000).


Carelessness of Republicans and opposition research

Republicans have been particularly careless in regard to the way they behave once they have been in power for so long.  This carelessness manifests itself in the way they speak and how they treat women, and also people of different races. With all the data Obama has at his disposal, there can be no doubt that if he really wants to find misconduct on the part of public officials, he could easily use that as way to leverage political power.  We could then see high profile individuals resign or retire after being exposed for their unprofessional or inappropriate behavior, or if they have any past indiscretions they committed using government computers. Obama would look at it as "opposition research".


A good example is the abrupt resignation of a Republican public official, Montgomery County GOP Chairman Jim Allen, after sending a racist email to someone else, calling Erika Harold, a Black female challenger who is running for office in the GOP, a "street walker" and a "love child". He said she will lose and "will be back in Shitcago by May of 2014 working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires," according to a private email that he sent. (pop-up)


If Republicans continue displaying such repugnant tendencies, then of course minority voters will reject them...and guess who will fill that vaccuum?  Add Comments>>


 Related stories:

Part 1: Barack Obama to command a red state to turn to blue

Part 2: Barack Obama to command a red state to turn to blue







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