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Trump: I Don't Think Joe Knows He Is Losing

 trump polls

Infographic by the Trafalgar Group


by Joseph Earnest November 1, 2020


Newscast Media WASHINGTON D.C.—As both candidates enter the final stretch of the 2020 election campaign, every national poll, except the Trafalgar Group poll, shows Biden ahead of Trump.


Trump was in Michigan and expressed confidence that he will be the victor. About his opponent Joe Biden, Trump said, "I don't think he knows he is losing."

The Trafalgar Group has Trump ahead of Biden by 48% to 46% while national polls show Biden ahead of Trump by 51% to 43% according to Real Clear Polictics.


Some analysts have said Trump's low polling numbers are due to the way he handled the pandemic, while other media outlets like The Hill say, "Don't believe the polls--Trump is winning."


The Hill states that the current polls suffer three defects: first, the tone of the questions; second, the sample of respondents; and third, the content of the current news cycle.


In his Trump's defense the White House released a statement saying, "While the pandemic hit every major economy around the world, the United States experienced the least severe economic contraction of any major Western economy in the first half of 2020, with the Euro Area economy’s contraction being 1.5 times as severe as the contraction of the U.S. economy."


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