Paul Ryan makes the final cut on Mitt Romney's VP list
Paul Ryan at the Texas GOP Convention in Fort Worth, Texas. Photo by Joseph Earnest
by Joseph Earnest August 11, 2012
Newscast Media NORFOLK, Va—Virtually every major news outlet has announced the news that Romney has picked the chairman of the House Budget Committee, Paul Ryan as his running mate. The final names on the list were Rubio, Ryan, Christie and Portman. Earlier in the week I said that all logic and reason points to Marco Rubio since the GOP needs the Hispanic vote, and Rubio could deliver it.
I also said if Romney defies my logic and reason and picks someone else I will admit so, which I do. How the Hispanic vote will be brought into the Republican tent is yet to be seen. Both Romney and Ryan have a very tough road ahead, and I'm sure they will use Marco Rubio as a surrogate to court Hispanics.
Either way, Ryan is an excellent pick and an astute mathematician. I have personally met him, and he is a fine young man who is extremely well polished. Here is a video in which I captured Paul Ryan making his case before Texans. (pop-up)
According to the Associated Press, the Wall Street Journal, in an editorial on Thursday, praised Ryan as a strong choice for Romney: "The case for Mr. Ryan is that he best exemplifies the nature and stakes of this election. More than any other politician, the House budget chairman has defined those stakes well as a generational choice about the role of government and whether America will once again become a growth economy or sink into interest-group dominated decline." Add Comments>>
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